Emergency Contacts
  • Lake Emergencies: 911
  • Report Boating Accidents: CT DEP 860-434-8638
  • Call for FirstLight Power’s water level recording 888-417-4837 Menu Item 2, then 2
  • Lake Emergencies: 911
  • Report Boating Accidents: CT DEP 860-434-8638
  • Call for FirstLight Power’s water level recording 888-417-4837 Menu Item 2, then 2

2021 Fall Drawdown begins

Beginning on October 27, 2021 FirstLight will conduct a drawdown of Lake Lillinonah at the Shepaug Dam to conduct its maintenance and inspection activities. The normal summer operating range of the station is from 200’-195.5’ and the drawdown will target an elevation of 191’. The drawdown will lower lake levels to minimum pond levels and return to normal operating elevations on November 8, 2021. All homeowners are encouraged to remove structures, boatlifts, and docks from Lake Lillinonah to prevent ice or flood damage from occurring during the winter months.