Emergency Contacts
  • Lake Emergencies: 911
  • Report Boating Accidents: CT DEP 860-434-8638
  • Call for FirstLight Power’s water level recording 888-417-4837 Menu Item 2, then 2
  • Lake Emergencies: 911
  • Report Boating Accidents: CT DEP 860-434-8638
  • Call for FirstLight Power’s water level recording 888-417-4837 Menu Item 2, then 2


Date: Week of September 15th

Summary: We plan to retain the services of Connwood Foresters again this year to measure and compile the annual debris survey. We will need several volunteers to help the effort. It’s this consistent documentation that allows us to have a history of surveys that shows the amount of debris in our lake and helps us lobby for additional support to help reduce it in the future.